Monday, November 18, 2013


DO NOT store any information about your target permanently on your computer, tablet, smart phone or any other electronic devices that could become confiscated or lost. You do not want anybody to know that you are observing someone, if you have to store data do this on a pen drive that you hide in a safe place that only you know about and that only you can access. Frequently erase your web browser protocols, format your hard disc with special government tools that are available on the internet.

It is best to use a cheap and also disposable computer, cellphone, smart phone or tablet. If the operation is completed, make sure you destroy the devices properly! Dismantle them, extract the data storage component and fully BURN IT to ashes than get rid of the ashes in your toilet. The same counts for written or printed notes on paper, they can compromise you operation! AVOID THEM BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!! The less traces and evidence you leave, the less can be used against you if you should get caught or involved in police investigations. In case that you should ever be questioned by authorities, it is advisable to have a absolutely uncomplicated and plausible explanation why you are in the area. A good and plausible explanation could for example be, that you are looking for an old friend from school or work, who has recently moved to the area. To backup your story, do a research before and look for peoples names similar to the names of people that you really know or once have know, that live in the area. Again technology is your friend, online directories, social networks and phone books can come in quiet handy here. Another good excuse, especially if you are a stranger in the location is, that you are simply lost and looking for directions. If caught, try to smack down uncomfortable question by simply asking for directions, this works more well than most people might think. You can also adjust your mimics, have a little bit of a worried and confused look on your face while you ask for directions, the more convincing you are the better it is. You can train this at home in front of a mirror of even record it on video so you can analyze yourself how convincing you are. A good spy always has to be a good actor with many faces, train hard and it will ease your work. The role however you have to play, is the role of a normal average person, so do not over act it.

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