Saturday, November 16, 2013

Know Your Targets Environment

Before taking any further steps to assassinate your target, you should learn its home. Why, do you ask? Because home is where people feel safe and where they let their guard down. This is where you can draw you advantage from, first of all we live in modern ages. Make use of modern technology, it is not necessary to wait in the shadows close by your targets house. Knowing the exact address will be enough for the first step. With this address you can use free GPS maps and tools to exactly study the surrounding area of your targets home.

 If You Should Get Caught You should study ways, routes and tracks that will make it easy for you to evade fast from the target area if needed. In other words, for ANY kind of activity in the target area plan your escape route carefully. Depending on several factors, for example if there is a chance that you could be followed by car in case you should get caught. Than pick an escape rout that leads YOU fast out of the area AND this rout should be inaccessible for cars. Also this rout should lead you to either crowded places where you can blend in with the crowd, or provide fast and further transportation for you, like taxis or a subway station. TRY NOT to hide yourself in nearby bushes, behind trashcans, cars or in building entrances once you got caught. Try to get away as fast and unsuspicious as possible.

Gain as much distances to your followers as fast as possible, stay out of there sight, try to evade so that they wont see which way you went. Immediately change your clothes as soon as you are out of sight, either while you are evading from the area. Simply undressing your jacked or a shirt under which you should were a second shirt can help a lot. This makes it more difficult for your followers to relocate you on distance or in a crowd. However DO NOT leave any parts of your dress, equipment or personal belongings behind while you are escaping. Do not throw anything into bushes, trashcans or nearby rivers or sewers. They will be found by someone else and so people will have more than just a trace of you. Also do not directly make an escape for your home/hideout, try to change cloths and roam the city for a while to make sure you are not followed anymore. You don’t want to give away your home/hideout. If necessary buy some cheap new clothes in a store, pay them and put them on.

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